

It's not 2016 in North Korea. The year is 105 counted after the birth of Kim Il-sung.

North Korea is the world's only necrocracy: a government that still operates under the rules of a former, dead leader.

MARIJUANA is legal and is not even classified as a drug in North Korea.

North Koreans may only choose from 28 approved haircuts.

Kim II-Sung, founder of North Korea, was born on the day the Titanic sank.


North Koreans watched the 2014 World Cup on a 24-hour delay.

North Korea has its own operating system called Red Star OS.

North Korea's space agency is called "NADA", which in Spanish means "nothing."

Wearing jeans is illegal in North Korea.

According to a textbook in North Korea, Kim Jong Un learned to drive at age 3.

Cuba was caught sending Weapons to North Korea in 2013.

A defector used balloons to air drop thousands of copies of the film "The Interview" into North Korea.

For 20 years, the World's Tallest Hotel was a 105-story empty pyramid in Pyongyang.

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