
Interesting Facts About Space.

Space is mysterious and beautiful, understand it more with this list of one hundred interesting facts about space, planets, moons and stars!

  1. Mercury and Venus are the only two planets in our solar system that do not have any moons.
  2. If a star passes too close to a black hole, it can be torn apart.
  3. Enceladus, one of Saturn’s smaller moons, reflects some 90% of the sunlight, making it more reflective than snow!
  4. The Sun is over 300,000 times larger than Earth.
  5. 64 moons orbit Jupiter
  6. The Martian day is 24 hours 39 minutes and 35 seconds.
  7. The Sun makes a full rotation once every 25-35 days.
  8. The force of gravity can sometimes cause comets to tear apart.
  9. According to mathematics, white holes are possible, although as of yet, we have found none.
  10. Our moon is around 4.5 billion years old.
  11. Uranus’ blue glow is down to the methane in its atmosphere, which filters out all the red light.
  12. The four planets in our solar system that are known as gas giants are Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn and Uranus.
  13. According to mathematics, white holes are possible, although as of yet, we have found none.
  14. Pluto is smaller than the Earth’s moon!
  15. A day on Pluto lasts for 6 days and 9 hours

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