

  1. Apple originally had three co-founders. The third co-founder, a man named Ronald Wayne, had joined co-founders, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak but he left the company only 12 days after it was founded. He sold his 10% share for only $800 and got an additional payout of $1,500. Had Wayne stayed with the company, his shares would be worth today around $60 billion!
  2. Apple is so successful, it has twice the amount of money than the U.S. Treasury.
  3. Apple has around $150 billion in excess capital. It could buy companies like Netflix, Twitter, Tesla, and Facebook.
  4. Apple scored big time with the iPod. The creator, Tony Fadell had originally offered the device to both Real Networks and Philips. Both companies turned it down.

  1. It was no evil Satanic reason the Apple I sold for $666.66. Steve Wozniak saw that the price was $667.00 and liked repeated numbers so he changed it to $666.66.
  2. The name iPod was inspired by the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.
  3. Even with an estimated net worth of $7 billion, for the last 15 years with the company, CEO Steve Jobs was only paid $1 so he could qualify for the company’s health benefits.
  4. If Apple was a country, it would be the world’s 27th largest country, between Venezuela and Belgium.
  5. At present, Apple is the largest publicly traded company in the United States.
  6. Apple was the first to make a digital color camera.

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